Beauty of Simplicity | Personal Life | February 2016


It’s Valentine’s Day.  J gave me flowers and chocolates.
A day of rest and reflection.

I’m challenging why I do what I’ve always done.
Most of the time, I don’t explore something different, because I’m simply blind to the idea that I could.

Today, a new concept:  instead of leaving my flowers in one bouquet, why not share and multiply the gift?
Flowers scattered on the table, L and I created.  Small gifts of lovely to share and spread throughout the house.

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While we’re making a beautiful mess, why not photograph it?
And collect a few of my other favorite things to go along with it? 🙂

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Looking to see if her work was just right.

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He is mine.
My forever Valentine.
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My dear sister-friend, Maggie, asked to come see me around my 40th birthday this year.
With the demands on her time, just the gift of herself, was a treasure.
Fresh off the plane, unable to contain herself, she thrusts a small box into my hands.
Emerald and diamond earrings.  My birthstone.
Aside from my wedding ring, I’ve never received such a valuable gift.
But what really won my heart, was the intentionality.
The gift contained the message = I was seen and loved.
That was priceless.

Moments Captured by Kate Panza_0424This ring was gifted to my Grandmother, when she was young.
The history of this ring is vague, but it was probably a wedding ring.
At this point, around 200 years old.
I LOVE knowing there is a hidden story here.
Thanks, Mom, for such a precious gift.

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Again, pressing for newness, I collected eucalyptus leaves,
clementine peel and cinnamon oil and boiled it on the stove.
Amazing how the obvious, isn’t always obvious, to me.

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My darling girl cut hearts and left them all throughout the house.
Who doesn’t want to stumble over love constantly?

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For those who don’t know, I love to read.
I prefer books that enhance the values I hold dear in life.
God | Identity | Family | Purpose
This is an amazing book and causing some significant shifts in how I parent.

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The original love letter.
My very favorite, because it is well worn.

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I’m thankful for love.  For those who share it with me, for those who have shown it to me.
Love, such a gift.
Squeeze the ones you love today.
Thank you for sharing precious time with me.
Happy Valentine’s Day.

With Gratitude,


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