
It’s interesting to me how quickly I can connect with some clients.  Like we’ve known each other for ages.
Familiar, friends.  Sweet moments.
Laughter.  Leeches.

Yes, leeches.  But I’ll get to that.

I worked with David and Ashley for the first time last Fall.  This beautiful blended family was 4… now becoming 5.
Another son… Kaedyn.
Pregnancy can seem long, but in no time, swell gives way to swaddle… and empty arms are full.
Soon, he’ll be here, soon.

David, your adoration for your wife and family is obvious.
Ashley, if possible, you are more lovely now than before.
To you both, may God bless this precious life you’ve been chosen to steward.


This image started in color… but I just couldn’t.  The palpable exchange needed a timeless treatment.
Someday, many years from now, I pray someone stumbles across this image and it begins a story.
A tale of a long legacy of love, that started before Kaedyn was born.


Before I named my business, I wanted a business name like “chasing light” or “chasing the light.”
Those names were taken, but the love affair with light was not.
I’m still hunting after it.  The Light.
Seeking… and Finding new ways to incorporate it into every story I tell.


Mercy.  This image is the one I wanted.  The one she took home 2 leeches for.
(And she still likes me:).

2015-07-18_00392015-07-18_0040D & A, here’s to a beginning that’s really beautiful from the start.

With gratitude,


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