Pictures tell stories. Much like a song we haven’t heard in awhile, when we come across a photo, we’re transported back in time.
Somewhere in our mind, our senses keep a registry of moments.
Mental sights, smells, feelings – all these are rekindled when the right thing jogs that memory.
For whatever reason, my mental catalog always keeps track of what I was wearing.
But I digress.
It’s fair to say, I have taken a LOT of pictures of my children throughout the years.
However, over the past couple of years, I’ve made an effort to document more of the mundane.
Even some of the moments we’d rather forget, like when they are sick, or when they skin their knees.
Because we cannot truly appreciate the good, without sometimes remembering the bad (and everything in-between).
I’ve decided that now and again, I’ll throw some of my own stories up on this blog.
Photography is image capturing through a vantage point. When you know something about the Photographer, you get a better sense of how they work.
And of how they’ll capture your moments.
Though I’m not completely unique in this, I tend to take a different approach to photography. I don’t do this simply because I like taking pictures.
Or because I have the gear, or even because I can. I do so because I believe this matters. People matter. Their stories do.
If we don’t notice, share and appreciate the lives of others ~ then we do mankind a grave disservice.
I believe we are image bearers of God. That the beauty that shines in us, and through us, was placed there on purpose.
My soul comes alive when I get to capture it.
So this, my friends, is why I pursue this passion. Daily work at honing my craft. And always aim higher, not just with my lens, but with my life.
I believe in the importance of recognizing beauty.
Here’s a glimpse at the ones I love most. We’ll see how long it takes for the next one to show up;).
My sweet boy, recovering after surgery.
Even my dog poses.
But she’s not thrilled about it.
We went for a long walk on a warm day in early February.
Mid day light (my least favorite) and I used settings I rarely do (most shots are f 8 and higher).
I was really pleased with the outcome, realizing I need to stop sticking with wide open apertures all the time.
This is almost straight out of camera… and I love it.
I’m experimenting with some new editing techniques. I usually spend a ridiculous amount of time editing. So, I’m looking
to Lightroom more… and just adding polish in Photoshop. Here, I was experimenting with some filmesque finishes… and I think I like it!
Extremely pleased with what I made for dinner.
I don’t care how he eats it… as long as he eats it.
Our comedian.
With gratitude,